Friday, September 28, 2007

a little goes a long way

I love Dexter. It is one of my new favorite shows. There is one small thing that distracts me though. Sometimes Dexter (played by Michael C. Hall) has blue, white, pale lips. I'm not sure what to call this phenomenon. Maybe it is the make-up department's fault. Perhaps he just has really bad circulation in his mouth?But it really reminds me of a time in middle school when I got the wrong kind of Burt's Bees. I got the lifeguard kind, with sunscreen.
But I didn't realize that when you slathered it on it would turn your lips white. People laughed, I was embarrassed and then I threw it away because scary clown wasn't really the look I was going for.

Maybe that is what Dexter is going for. He does live in Miami. I'm all for taking care of your skin, but just a dab will do ya. So lay off it for a while so I can stop focusing on your lips and start focusing on the show.

pictures from and

1 comment:

tricia said...

first off: you haven't posted in awhile. but i saw this and immediately thought of you.
