Friday, August 17, 2007

fall trends

So there is at least one trend every season that I can totally just not get behind. Say for instance ankle boots ... for one I'm not that tall and ankle boots are just like saying I have no real feet under here and my legs just end into short little stumps. Or maybe they translate to witch shoes or Louis the 14th's favorite pair of shoes to make him self "feel more like a man".

Some of you may look good in them but I'm thinking not so much for me. However ankle boots are waaaaaay more likely to become this years leggings (ie. trend I hated on and then could not get enough of because turns out they are the perfect way to cover chicken legs).

But this year it is the stringy fur look on everything from bags to skirts and this lovely little number from TopShop.

I'm thinking it might be the perfect thing to throw on and run around in the woods in and pretend to be a Yeti.

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